What can we say about BallyCara’s Men’s Shed?
It is a vibrant community of youthful seniors who decided to make the most of their time here at BallyCara by coming together to create some wonderful pieces for donation to Residential Care and the Carer’s Auxiliary for purchase in their shop.
Please enjoy reading the following piece written by the BallyCara Men’s Shed Hon. Secretary, Frances Eames.
It was about 2014, when an influx of active and youngish folk took up residence in Amicus, the new six-story, independent living apartments.
Many of the men folk, together with other Residents of the Village, decided to donate or share their tools. A wood lathe was also donated for members' use. After a short time passed, and with much discussion and planning with Management, it was decided to officially form the BallyCara Men's Shed.
A Committee was formed and rules and plans were made. Each Member is presented with the official BallyCara Shed Member's Handbook, stating the BallyCara Philosophy, Vision and Mission, together with rules and important information.
For a Resident to become a member, and to use the facilities, they are required to fill in a Membership form, stating their particulars and experience.
Each Resident is assessed by the Supervisors, for the ability to carry out tasks and given instruction in how to use the various pieces of electrical equipment. A Green badge is presented to the applicant showing that they are able to fulfil the tasks and apply their skills. A Yellow badge is for a Social Member, not using tools in the shed, and attending Social Gatherings only.
Every Friday, from 11am-12pm, all members come together for a social time – to meet, greet, chat and share a cuppa & tasty scone with jam. The scones are made faithfully every week, by the wife of a past member. A wonderful time is shared and often a joke is enjoyed. ‘Show and Tell' is a popular activity. Members also share their past experiences and hobbies.
Every Tuesday is the official working day. However, the shed is available all week.
A security-coded key lock, for entry to the Shed, has been installed and works very successfully.
The Men's Shed Project Manager will liaise with Staff at the Residential Care Villas – Hibernian and Sunnyside, regarding requests for items to be made for Residents’ enjoyment and learning.
He will also attend the Carer's Auxiliary meetings to receive any requests for items to be made to sell in their shop, and items requested to be made for the Invigorate social groups.
Village Residents are able to have items repaired at the Shed, by members.
The Hon. Secretary keeps a Photo Album record of items made by members.
This Village venture of the BallyCara Men's Shed has been an important and interesting establishment and very successful. It has been growing in numbers ever since it was officially opened and Blessed by Sr Pauline Coll AM, on 15th May 2015.
We look forward to seeing what the future projects of the BallyCara Men’s Shed will be.
Frances Eames,
Hon. Secretary